Fokker D.21: Fokker’s last single engine fighter
This book has already been published earlier (in 2005) in the French language as ‘Le Fokker D.21’. Now this book is also available in the Dutch language! However, it has become over the years much more than just a translation from French to Dutch.

This recent release from the Dutch publisher Lanasta contains some 45 more pages than the original French edition. Also lots of new information and new photographs never published before have been added. Photos used earlier have all been enhanced with the latest photo editing techniques and this has resulted in very sharply printed pictures with excellent contrast!
The book is divided in 20 chapters and an extensive Annex with technical details, a complete production list and an English summary.
The book has the following chapters
1. General introduction to the genesis of the D.21
2. Fighter requirements of 1934 with an overview of contemporary projects
3. Birth of the D.21
4. ‘A near miss’ describing the story that the D.21 was initially rejected by the Dutch air force
5. International interest
6. Into production
7. Netherlands East Indies and Spain
8. Development plans, including design studies for a R.R. Merlin powered version
9. Netherlands 1938-1939. Prelude to the war.
10.Flying the D.21
11.Finland 1937-1939
12.Winter war in Finland
14.Netherlands 1939-1940. Mobilization.
15.Tenth of May. The five-days war with the Luftwaffe
16.Base ‘Buiksloot’. Story of a secret airbase north of Amsterdam
17.Germany; with details of D.21’s captured by the Germans
18.Finland 1940-1941
19.Finland’s Continuation War
20.The end of the story in Finland
The book contains many new photographs from the collection of the well known Dutch publisher and aviation artist Thijs Postma. Unfortunately we miss in this book photographs of the D.21 in Spanish service during the Civil War, but these seem hardly to exist. However, there are LOTS of other rare D.21 shots including one captured by the Luftwaffe and displayed in French military colours and markings!
For readers not mastering the Dutch language there is an English summary included in the Annex; although this is quite brief. Also all captions of the illustrations are bi-lingual in Dutch and English.
Altogether we can say this is a vast improvement over the original French edition and even when you already have this, it is definitely well worth to buy this much extended and improved Dutch version as well!
Book details
Title: Fokker D.21. Fokkers laatste eenmotorige jager
Author: Peter de Jong
Publisher: Lanasta, Slenerbrink 206, 7812 HJ Emmen, The Netherlands
Type: A4 size, hardcover with 240 pages on glossy paper. Hundreds of B&W photo’s; some colour photo’s and colour artwork
ISBN: 978-90-8616-099-0
Price: Euro 36.95 excluding P&P
With special thanks to Lanasta for providing a review copy. Direct buy your sample here!
Nico Braas