LetLetLet ~ Warplanes
Let Let Let - Warplanes => Warplane Art => Topic started by: No.1 on March 22, 2011, 11:32:41 AM
This is fighter plane of very interesting shape but did not make much in its service
The Vultee fighter is interesting to me even if it wasn't too successful. A lot of people (myself included) have wondered over the years if there are Vanguard parts still in China. Good subject, No.1!
China is interesting as well they have many thing in store, people who have visited their museum said that it is very rich. Here you are progress on profile...
Yes, you're right about the Chinese having some treasures. Here in the U.S. many mouths have watered over the P-61 and P-47. My personal favorites are the two Tu-4s that were converted to turboprop power by the Chinese. Then there are the Soviet designs, Chinese-built machines......the list goes on! :-cool
We should start the Let Let Let Warbird Recovery service
and bring some of those treasures home!
I can only dream..
Good subject No.1!
Ha- good idea about the recovery service for warbirds :-ok Here you are some little progress...
Is very promissing! :-love
Thsank you mate, I hope so as well I work this under high temperature and pain... progress from this morning
Very nice work! :-flo
Thank you and here is more work...
:-ok :-ok
Thank you ;) More update...
We should start the Let Let Let Warbird Recovery service
I've already begun the LLL Recovery program, Matt! (I've sent you a PM, by the way.)
This is the remains of the P-66s little brother, a BT-13. It's now part of a museum I'm a member of in southwestern Nebraska. This airframe was destroyed in a tornado in the early sixties and we've got the remains for a possible static display someday.
Looking forward to your progress, No.1!
The first profile :-razz
:-clap :-clap :-clap :-clap :-clap
Beautiful! :-salut
Nice work No.1 :-ok :-clap :-wave