No worries, Nico :-)
First, it's time to relax - it has been a busy couple of months with the book, work, and our little lady at home.
Now, the "propaganda machine" is up and running, people ought to know the book is coming, the reactions are very positive up to now!
In the meantime I am busy with another blockbuster project, or, at least a part of it. For the book about the D.9 to D.20 I am writing the history of the Fokker DC.1. But that is pure relaxation, compared to editing a book!
Then, behemoth number two is nearing completion - Fokker C.5 in foreign service! (Ahhhhh... history of C.5 service in Bolivia, China, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Netherlands, Netherlands Naval flying Corps (MLD) and Netherlands Indies (LA-KNIL). That'll be an English book.