Challenge- Sabre rules 
We will all cooperate during this project. Simply upload what you have done, work in progress and this is it. In the particular project everybody will be included in the cover of each other. We don't fight for life here, we do not make competition. No winner just nice friendly challenge.
Contact direct Felix for drawings and he could provide the best for you.
Every one will get sample of this drawings and it is in order to keep it for color profile only!!! Do not dare to forward this drawings to any else [even from this forum] or publish it anywhere!!! Profile you made is your property and you can use anywhere you want.
It is not important how you will make color profile. Goal is to be made in the 2D digital way but no problem to make it in oil painting if you prefer.
Working size- in your PC you always work in the publishing size. This mean A3 or A4 form, 300 DPI. Here is presented in the web size, this mean 72 DPI 800 pixel wide just for the BBCode linked images.
Good Work