I have finally come with some magazine structure and here you are proposal for the magazine content and features:
InPressum/Content- this coming on first two pages where is given brief info about the publication, content, content info and authors
Photo Build- modeling subject with short intro and large number of images. Good for the very new kit and product release
Build Project- similar content as above but with full text and optionally drawings and art. Good for specific project like detailing, upgrade or so on.
Background- historic feature directly related to the model build features
Versions- analyze of the version of the airplane type, content based on technical drawings, images and brief text description
File- full historic article, content archive images, color art, optionally drawings, stand alone content, not related on the modeling features
Colors- I guess you would like to see some pages with aircraft color profiles... stand alone content
Fresh- news from the model world, all what we can get and arrange here
So what do you think? Hope that very soon I could be able to show you some of the previews and also to have first sample...