As I know schedule for December is AFC Group Build, Sherman is just fine (my father drive one during Trieste crisis), January is also known as well February. MiG-29 can be launched any time but as I know you are too much loaded with other builds, Hellcat and Nieuport 10 (noted as well they are for review)... As I know MiG-21 is also somewhere there.
Too much of info 
Yes, I've nice load actually

I hope to finish the Hellcat very soon; then I will concentrate on the Nieuport 10 and the Mohawk. Fokker D.VII and Albatros D.XI have no deadline for me...
Of course, I will have to build my AFV (interresting to note your father was a Sherman driver)
For the MiG-29, as it is also a kit for review, I wish to build it as soon as possible - same case for the 1/144th MiG-21 when I will receive it.
So much work... But so nice kits!!!