Two weeks ago I found some very interesting original ink drawings of planes used by the Dutch naval flight service MLD (Marineluchtvaartdienst). These ink drawings originate from the early-mid fifties (some of them, however, must date even from the late fourties!) and they were all intended for illustration material in the technical handbooks.
One of these drawings was a 3/4 left view of the Hawker SeaHawk Mk.50. The illustrator did an excellent job with this drawing and the SeaHawk seems to be captured very well.
Now the challenge for the next month: use this basic drawing for your colour (or B&W, I don't mind!) artwork. I leave it completely up to you contestants how you fill this in. You may make a Photoshop colour illustration filling in colours and markings, but you are free to use ANY background you like. You are also free to use any illustration technique you want. So the landing deck of an aircraft carrier is OK, but you may also remove the undercarriage for an in-flight illustration as well; I don't mind! You are also not limited to use the colours of the Dutch version. Again, I don't mind. Even an illustration in purely fictive U.S. Navy markings (or any other markings) would be welcome as long as it looks good!
No. 1 will provide you on request with the full-size file of the basic drawing I mentioned.
And....lots of success!!