Aircraft Modeling / Heinkel He 111 K, Lindberg, 164
« on: December 03, 2018, 10:02:17 AM »
Hello all 
Here is a new vintage kit that I built some months ago and finally finished in April 2018.
The scale is 1/64. It's impossible to tell what real version it is and it's the reason why I called it He 111 K K=Krieg or war in English). It must be said that at the beginning of the hidden Luftwaffe, military versions of "civil" aircraft were called "K version".
The kit is not very accurate and although appearing after 1958 in the Lindberg's catalogs I think it's older because compared to kits of 1958 it appears not to be "modern".
Wingspan is to the announced 1/64 scale but the too long glazed nose makes the fuselage to be at 1/60 scale ; the fuselage itself without the glazed nose is actually to 1/64 scale !
Apart of being in white, markings are accurate for the 9,/KG 1 Hindenburg. Old unuseable decals have been changed against modern ones.

Here is a new vintage kit that I built some months ago and finally finished in April 2018.
The scale is 1/64. It's impossible to tell what real version it is and it's the reason why I called it He 111 K K=Krieg or war in English). It must be said that at the beginning of the hidden Luftwaffe, military versions of "civil" aircraft were called "K version".
The kit is not very accurate and although appearing after 1958 in the Lindberg's catalogs I think it's older because compared to kits of 1958 it appears not to be "modern".
Wingspan is to the announced 1/64 scale but the too long glazed nose makes the fuselage to be at 1/60 scale ; the fuselage itself without the glazed nose is actually to 1/64 scale !
Apart of being in white, markings are accurate for the 9,/KG 1 Hindenburg. Old unuseable decals have been changed against modern ones.