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Warplane Art / Re: DH Mosquito P.R.Mk1
« on: August 27, 2006, 06:48:31 PM »
I have look it closer. You are on basic step of full color art. Now you are step on the hard road- you have to fight with details. This is essential for giving a life to your creation. Here you are extract from color profile of Fw190D. You will se much of details and please study this. Note that some parts with more curvature are more dynamic highlighted.

Any way- if I could be an editor of magazine I will for sure take your profile of PRU Mosquito for publishing. So head up and strait ahead- you are on good way :) :)

To tell you a secret- I have watch and study a details of the great art painter. My basic intention to make stroke over which look like brush stroke. Don't like smoth stroke of airbrush.

Warplane Art / Re: DH Mosquito P.R.Mk1
« on: August 27, 2006, 06:37:15 PM »
Hey look at you man- just few day's on forum and you are creating master work :) Very good man, very good.

Warplane Art / Re: DH-Mosquito-B-MKIV-Series-2
« on: August 27, 2006, 02:04:11 PM »
Exchaust is first class work!!! Congratulation! But more practice with exhaust stain. Make few stroke with brush. Start with dark maroon and finish with pale grey. Set mode of brush dissolve and opacity 45 up to 65 %. First tsroke larger diameter and each next stroke and next color smaller diameter. Then blur it all. Set blur tool on 80%.

Combat Warplanes / Re: RAF Marham Tornado Wing
« on: August 27, 2006, 07:46:12 AM »
I have one specific question- all of this planes are painted in the well prepared and equiped facilities and in special condition. And how it is done- this aplication of the nose art in the terrain conditions near to the combat zone?

Combat Warplanes / Chalenging Nieuport
« on: August 27, 2006, 12:49:33 AM »
In last issue of the "Cross & Cockade" magazine was apear interesting article about the Nieuport fighter. At the

3rd Instructional Center in Issoudon, France, was two very interesting painted Nieuport fighters. Issoudon was

US trainer place. They was painted like a fish and possible used colors are green [maybe from camouflage,

which else], white, red silver dope and black and all used in various shades. Image present plane called Flying

Fish and there was one more sample called Jazbo and this was model Nieuport 24. US used this planes as a

trainer and it is not know that any of this machines had star over roundel in the European theatre.

From my point of view it is real courage to make a scale kit of this plane... how about 1/72?

Photo credit- USAF

Warplane Art / Re: DH-Mosquito-B-MKIV-Series-2
« on: August 27, 2006, 12:47:17 AM »
OOO yeay- santino have it's site but I hope this would not make a problem to cooperate with you. In a day or two I will present his web site on this forum...

Warplane Art / Re: DH-Mosquito-B-MKIV-Series-2
« on: August 27, 2006, 12:15:58 AM »
... and how about to make one Mosquito from PRU unit in PRU Blue? MFG will be real happy to see it and maybe arrange it to be displayed on his web site?

Good night and take care about your wife :) :)

Warplane Art / Re: DH-Mosquito-B-MKIV-Series-2
« on: August 26, 2006, 11:54:56 PM »
I suggest you to start on hard way- completenew one from begining. Will see that result will come faster then you can beleive. And in the meantime you will make your strategy how and what to do.

Combat Warplanes / Re: Chromate color on Navy planes
« on: August 26, 2006, 10:33:20 PM »
I will try to get a text written by Dana Bell. it is entry in the standard protection on the NAVAL planes from mid '30. But just a little time to get where I put document. It will be interesting for the modelers as well for the illustrators.

Warplane Art / Re: DH-Mosquito-B-MKIV-Series-2
« on: August 26, 2006, 10:06:36 PM »
I have just release color profile of one US pre war fighter and have some spare time to play with your color profile. As you can note all black outline are gone now. Only dark line is the panel lines. On the many of details are add more light and shadows. Nose is transparent. I have note that you have used brush in the dissolve mode and then blur it and effect is good. Maybe to blur some more but it depend from surface to surface and plane to plane.

One important point when you are make color profile is that you have to watch on the image of the original plane. There you can see everything you need for work. Nothing more nothing less :))

Warplane Art / Re: DH-Mosquito-B-MKIV-Series-2
« on: August 26, 2006, 09:17:09 PM »
Its look more live but problem stay with outline.

Warplane Art / Re: DH-Mosquito-B-MKIV-Series-2
« on: August 26, 2006, 06:41:02 PM »
This is very good sample of the advanced color line art. Similar method is used by one illustrator from UK, can't

remember name in the moment. This is nice!!! And I like that colors are close to the real match. You have good

calibrated monitor as I can see :)

So in this method of camouflage color presenting you don't need to do any more. As you know this type of art

preserve all of the basic drawings outline and camouflage is apply with a minimun of the shades and highlight.

Identical as in the monochrome line art up to the '80 but in this way color is used.

Any way, you have a principal sense for the shape of object on the plane and can fight with the light direction.

From my point of view you can free go to the next step full color art. But I have to note that creating of the

basic layers in full color art need over a week per type of plane and need deep search. So when you start with

practice use some well nkown planes with a lot of images. Like this Mosquito.

Warplane Art / Re: Messerschmitt BF109E4
« on: August 26, 2006, 06:30:06 PM »
Very well- if need additional directions about the use of the pen just ask :)

Combat Warplanes / Chromate color on Navy planes
« on: August 26, 2006, 04:00:10 PM »
This very interesting photo present F3F  with chrome yellow propellers. Image is from Library if Congress Archive and it is rare image of this plane in color.

Aircraft Modeling / Re: Convair XF-92A
« on: August 26, 2006, 03:40:32 PM »
Nice catch Nico- will look for more info!

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