LetLetLet ~ Warplanes
Let Let Let - Warplanes => Miscellaneous Subjects => Topic started by: draken35 on January 31, 2015, 05:18:49 PM
At the Ransart expo, I found on the stand of "Les Carnutes" a new horse head for their "naked horse". I bought one; showed it to my friend that said me it's a typical position of Sirokko.
OK, clear enough for me: back to horse painting!
The new horse head fit relatively well but miliput will be needed. And I had to accomplish a bad work: castration... With a cutter... :-help
Lets go ;)
Yikes! :-danger (Being raised on a farm, I've been involved in lots of castrating of swine and cattle..... :-flo)
Miliput today.
Last photo is just for fun: when placing the figure in the working box, I really saw the actual horse in his actual box... :))
Patiently waiting in his stall!
Thank you! ;)
Sanding was long to do... During the stage, the horse falled out of my hand at a high of perheaps 10 centiemeters of the table: one ear broken... :-wall
I used miliput to correct the problem and I'm happy with the result I must say!
The horse is placed on the base used for horses painting stage :-green
...And I've also recuperated the original head of the figure: I will use it to represent another horse...
Good preparation mate :-ok
Thank you!
Was too tired to airbrush the primer today, unfortunately...
As it was expected, first primer reveals some defaults that have to be corrected... Will do that during the coming week-end.
Whoever is the sculptor of the original certainly renders the muscle structure beautifully!
I fully agree with you, Scott: the figure is realistic!
OK, I've sanded the putty that was added. Problem was due to bubbles into the resin: when sanding first time, some bubbles that were near the "surface" appeared and neede for putty again...
It look like you work faster then on previous projects, am I right?
Well, horses have priority ;)
:)) :-ok
The parts of the body (and the head) that will have to be of clear color were masked with Neo (Gunze equivalent of Maskol). Then I airbrushed the acrylic base before to work with oil paints
Neo removed and acrylics painted on the needed zones. Next step: oil paint!
Oils... so life is coming :))
Yes my friend. Next week for sure...
Good progress today with oil paints. White on Sirokko; more work on Copain's head that is quasi finished: just the eyes remain to paint...
For my skill this look great!
Thank you my friend! ;)
Burnt Sienna applied.
next step (next week): black, and then to finish with eyes...
Ooooooooo :-ok
This morning I painted the eyes of both the head and the entire horse with acrylic paints.
If I prefer oil paints for the horse himself, I think it's easier for the eyes to use acrylic, because corrections can be made more quickly.
I have also found in my stock a base that permits a good presentation of the head of Copain. So this one is finished...
Painting of Sirokko is quasi-finished (just a little correction to make when oil paint will be dry)...
Photos with and without flash
I like it :)
Thank you!
...Me too... ;)
WOW! I have neglected my reading, these are so beautiful!
Thank you Scott! Hope to finish next week...
... and finish it with pleasure :))
Sure! ;)
After some minor corrections in the paint, Sirokko is finished. I've placed the horse on th efinal base and applied Vallejo Piedra Pomez mixed with Vallejo Dark Earth paint.
Now just time to let dry and after: finition with drybrushes on the ground and some grass...
After a night of rest, Piedra Pomez was dry so I've drybrushed the ground with no less than 7 differents paints: beige, dark brown, light green, medium green, dark green, red and yellow.
Then PVC glue mixed with water and the grass.
Love that horse... :-love :-love :-love
Excellent as always :-ok
Thank you! :)