I have compiled a colour chart of RLM paint chips taken from Merrick's book (Luftwaffe Camouflage and Markings 1933-1945 Vol.2 2005) along with a couple from the Kookaburra book by J. Smith (The Modeller's Luftwaffe Painting Guide 1979) and their claimed hobby paint equivalents from Testor's Model Master enamels and acryl range, Humbrol Enamels, Tamiya acrylics, WEM enamels, Life color arcylics, Vallejo Model Air and Model Color acrylics, Polly Scale acrylic and JPS acrylic paints.
The small notations under some paint matches(2:34, 5:116) is firstly the ratio and secondly the paint number (for Tamiya and Humbrol mixes).
'HCS' refers to a mix as per the old Humbrol Colour Systems book.
JPS paint was included as Mr. Popp, who makes this paint in Germany, worked in conjunction with Mr. J. Kiroff, who was the paint technology advisor in Merrick's book, to make the JPS range of paints.
You will note a couple of alternate colour chips (2005 Merrick versus 1979 Smith) for RLM79 and 83 and that different manufacturers have made their matches to one colour but not the other (IE Model Master to the 1979 Smith version for RLM79 and 83 and JPS to the 2005 Merrick darker RLM83 colour).
I am missing the JPS RLM79 paint (can anyone point me to a bottle?).
Some of the information may be out of date as the sources I have used may not be current.
Please note that the Humbrol site makes NO claim that the names on their tins represent the same colour as the names of the camouflage used on the planes we are modelling (ie RLM colours)!!
You can download them from my site in the links section:
http://www.petersplanes.com/links.htmI have also produced a Excel sheet for Tamiya, Humbrol and other paint equivalents for (most) RLM, French, Italian, RAF/FAA and USA colours. This is available from my website for downloading in the links section
http://www.petersplanes.com/RLM%20colour%20chart.xls (
It now has 16 references of suggestions for various mixes to achieve (supposedly) a match to the actual WW2 colours.
Remember these are other peoples suggestions as to what they thought was a best match and I have only compiled them into this one spot.
I have added some notes about some of the paint suggestions and mixes in the RLM section as to what I have tried against the Merrick colour chips (some are way off!).
My aim was to include as many paint mixes from varied sources in ONE spot as I could so that a quick and easy comparison can be done. And allow you to see the variety that other people think is a good match and decide for yourself. Also RGB and CMYK numbers are given to allow you to do correct colours on computer generated images or even to take it to the local paint shop and get them to mix up a batch in acrylic or enamel paints!
For example looking at RLM 83 there are at least 8 'recipes' most of them different from each other.
I hope you find these useful and that it will allow you to decide what paint is the better match for your Luftwaffe paint schemes.

RLM v hobby paint comparison charts

RLM v hobby paint comparison charts
Peter H