Author Topic: RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72  (Read 11938 times)

Offline javier_planells

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RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
« on: September 09, 2008, 11:06:38 PM »
Hi mates!

I've been rushing thing a little bit these days, we have a modeling contest this weekend. I set aside everything I had on the modeling bench and started this little kit, a gift from a spanish friend to a mutual friend who in the end felt it was going to look better if I built it. Holy, if he only knew...

This is the plane i want to do, it was used by the Argentine Navy as an advanced trainer during 1927-29. As you can see from the picture, somebody was feeling overconfident on its landing skills. Before military use, it was the mount of an aerobatic pilot, president of the Argentine Aeroclub.

It was un-armed, so it is even more appealing to me. Right now I have to start putting on all of the struts and check for the alignment of the upper wing. In the meantime, enjoy these pictures during the build. I put the wheels and propeller on just for fun, I've already taken them out. It's a really good kit and Roden is certainly THE company when it comes to WWI in 1/72nd.
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72

And a view of my current modeling bench, a small table in the kitchen, where the light and sight of the patio usually inspire me to build wacky things like the SE in argentine colours.
RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72

That's all for now, as soon as I have it finished I'll post some more pictures. I hope you've enjoyed them.

Take care,

Javier Planells
"Do you know what Nemesis means? It is a righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent, personified in this case by a horrible bastard, ME."

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Re: RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2008, 11:22:17 PM »

Very good introduction about less know topic!! We are all focused on the primary user and forget about the small countries. Very nice build  :-clap


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Re: RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2008, 12:49:32 AM »
Excellent start,I like seeing a good step build,it could become a good reference for others...
Keep up the good work...and posting  :-ok


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Re: RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2008, 08:19:30 PM »
very.very,nice :-clap I am working on one of se 5a too,but in 1/32 scale,same by roden :)


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Re: RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2008, 08:25:19 PM »
very.very,nice :-clap I am working on one of se 5a too,but in 1/32 scale,same by roden :)
Welcome mate,
Hope to see your SE5a in 1/32 among models here  :))

Offline CloudFlyer

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Re: RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2008, 06:33:42 PM »
Hello Janier_planells, I am new to this forum and I have just discovered your SE5a build thread.

Nice build photos, I could never work in such a small scale.  I don't know how you do it.  I am detailing out a smallish radio control flying SE5a foamie by E-flite.  It is in 1/12th scale.

Have you done any more work on your SE5a?  We would all like to see it.

Also, could you share where you got all of the neat reference for your build?  I have the Squadron SE5 in action, and photos I have found on the internet.  But I don't know where to find photos like you show on your work bench.



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Re: RAF SE5a, Roden 1/72
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2008, 10:50:07 PM »
Yes Javier, please do it. :-clap :-clap :-clap :-wave