Thanks guys!
It was not easy to build this one. The Williams Bros kit is rather crude, and I had to do a lot of tinkering to make a good presentation of the Dutch aircraft. I used B-17 cowls from Quickboost, and Aeroclub engines and props. To fit the enginecowls to the enginenacelles, I had to lengthen them and make them wider. I had to trim the tailfeathers to make them fit. The plastic is rather brittle, so making the landinggear was a nervewrecking project by itself. I used B-25 wheels, slightly trimmed to make them a bit narower. The entire interior was scratch built, although you see very little of that. Armament is also from Aeroclub parts.
For the colors I used Humbrol and Xtracolor. I prefer to work with brushes in my scaleprojects - I only build in 72nd scale.
My next project is a Lockheed Hudson, in a Dutch 320 squadron livery.