This is the first ICM Spitfire I've built and I've found it a little more challenging than the Tamiya or Hasegawa kits. One reason is that there is a complete engine set and the option to remove all the cowling sections. This adds some complexity to the front of the fuselage but isn't too hard to keep in alignment. I decided to first assemble the wing to the fuselage and then add the forward bulkheads to strengthen the cowl and cowling area.
The wing-to-fuselage fit is fair but does require some filling on the underside and rear of the fillet fairings. The fit of the upper wing panels to the fuselage sides is much better. As I mentioned earlier my kit has quite a lot of thin flash on many of the parts that must be carefully removed before assembly.

March Group Build> Spitfire and Seafire
You can see a lot of filler on the wingtips. This is because the Hasegawa tips I'm using are a bit thinner in profile than the ICM wings, which seem to be the right thickness. I noticed the difference on the clipped tips that come with the Hasegawa kit so I used the ICM short tips on the Soviet bird.