Back to work on the Hawk 75 again. The accessory section of the fuselage was mentioned on page one as needing to be reshaped to fit the corrected cowling. First I cut the large bar out of the section so I could flex the part to a less-oval shape. The small aluminum tube below the part is going to replace the plastic stiffener I removed earlier, the stubs of which are still evident. This tube will spread the front of the accessory cowl to match the reshaped engine ring cowl.

June Group Build--Curtiss Hawk 75
Next I glued the accessory cowl to the fuselage, trying to maintain a fairly accurate joint between the two sections. After the glue had fully dried I spread the front of the opening in order to install the aluminum spreader bar.

June Group Build--Curtiss Hawk 75
This is the final result after a bit of filler. The bell-shape of the accessory cowl is now accurate for a Wright powered Curtiss.

June Group Build--Curtiss Hawk 75
And, a photo of the current state of the project:

June Group Build--Curtiss Hawk 75