More research into the history of the Ho229 and I have a few more projects underway. First I scratchbuilt a cockpit tub from styrene and brass wire. Then I added some spares box bits and resin side consoles copied from a Me262. The instrument panel and seat are being sourced from the Bf109 spares box:
Horten Ho-229 Flying Wing
Next it was time to attack the exhaust outlet openings. I fabricated these from the brass tubing and will attach the Jumo 004 turbine section inside:
Horten Ho-229 Flying Wing
Next step was to figure out the wheelwells. On the V3 prototype this area was open and showed all the center section structure. Surely, on a production machine, these would be fully boxed in so I made these wheelwells from styrene sheet and strips:
Horten Ho-229 Flying Wing
Much more to be done, but the basic shapes are coming together. I've also dug through the landing gear parts and am on the way to a set of struts and wheels.