It's been a long time since my last submission. How are you all? Hope you're fine.

This time I have a real

, the grandfather of modern airliners, for you. It's a Revell Junkers F.13 in the Spanish Red Cross livery. Two of them were used as Medevacs during the moroccan campaign in 1925. The passenger cabin got a stretcher and a seat for the medic taking care of the wounded, in case of carrying lightly wounded soldiers, the stretcher was replaced by seats. They were rugged beasts, flying in some of the worst weather conditions, both inland and over the sea. Rugged planes and stubborn pilots make a strange combination, just like this fella hitting against the wall

I guess...
The Revell kit is actually of Eastern German origin, it was made by VEB Plastikart in the 70s. What a wonderful kit, it has some alignement problems with the floats but most of the problems were self-inflicted. VEB also released the G-24 around the same time and while it was present in older catalogues from Revell, it's been a long time since its last reissue... What a shame, I'd like to build at least 2 or 3 of them in different configurations and liveries.
It was entered in the last 2 contests of the year (didn't make it on time for the first ones) and got a Best in Show at the IPMS Quilmes Regional and the 1st place in the 2007 edition of the La Plata Modeling Association Contest. Not too bad for an oldie like this one...

Ok, enough cheap chat and self-indulgence. Here's the model, I hope you'll enjoy it!

Hi mates!

Hi mates!

Hi mates!

Hi mates!
The only model kits not dwarfed by the F.13 were the Ikarus Blenheim Mk.I and the Trumpeter Wyvern,

strictly 1/72nd speaking... It's a large wingspan and a short fuselage, paint it black and you get a bat...

Hi mates!

Hi mates!
And some construction photos.

Hi mates!

Hi mates!

Hi mates!

Hi mates!

Hi mates!

Hi mates!

Hi mates!

Hi mates!

Hi mates!
And a picture of the Medevac version in italian service, showing the special window arrangment. Unfortunately I got this picture too late to incorporate that on the model. Would have been great

Hi mates!
Well, that's all folks. Sorry for the quality of the in progress pictures, they were taken with an old cellphone.
Take care and greetings from Argentina,