Well, as said earlier, here's my progress...
First picture shows amount of flesh on tail parts - I needed half hour to get from the left to the right side, for each pair. Becomes a little boring, correcting lots of stupid small things...

Meanwhile I set most of lozenge decals - Techmod was a little fragile, but with use of Mr. Gunze Sangyo chemistry set absolutely great. On the other hand, if Techmod was fragile, Roden was totaly delicate to handle, but came out OK, again with liberate amounts of Japanese chem...
Fuselages are also painted or, better to say, Berthold's received base coat of CDL. Both are Vallejo ModelColor.
Last two pictures show use of math to make lozenge for ailerons, and finished sample.
Next is to paint streaky cammo on Bertholds' and white on Degelow's, rib tapes on both... Continuing tomorrow...