Thank you

Next images show general work on the cockpit interior as well merging of the fuselage halves. First two images show some of the photo etched parts in the cockpit hub. Interior color is light blue and this is real doubtful what color to use as well some images show grey blue color while some show clear blue color. I use color similar to RLM 65, you can use Humbrol 65 or mix of this color with 47. As well I have never seen actual color, it is hard to determinate it even from clear images but this is definitely light blue color... hue is another question.
Another three images show the painting of the nose cone as well termineson on vertical. It is much easy to complete cone before fuselage assembly, in later step it just need to be cover and keep from spray of camouflage color. For this purpose I use Revell 360 green color.
The rest of images show dry run of fuselages half's before assembly with some points like the position of the elements after the assembly. No matter that joint lines are fine, I prefer to seal it with hand brushing with Gunze Sangyo Mr. Surfacer 500.
More to come...