First I reckon I should address head-on one of the issues that has arisen about the new kit--the fuselage length. Before I dive into this, I must disclose that I do not have an accurate 1/48 drawing of the Emil or access to a real one for measurements to be taken. With that being said, I'll compare the three Emils in my collection, the Eduard, Airfix, and Tamiya.
To start I decided to measure each fuselage from the propeller/fuselage bulkhead back to the rudder post. The measurements were (in millimeters): Tamiya=161.96; Airfix=162.27; Eduard=165.59.
My next experiment was to lay all three fuselages side-by-side with the wing roots exactly lined up. The next photos will show the differences. The Tamiya is on top in darker grey, Eduard in center, and Airfix in light blue-grey at bottom. First, the nose, then the tail:
Eduard Bf-109E 1/48
Eduard Bf-109E 1/48
The next idea was to see how the cockpit openings align with regard to the wing position. I simply laid a tube at the kick-up and this is the result:
Eduard Bf-109E 1/48
Eduard Bf-109E 1/48
As you can see, all three line up fairly well with regard to the cockpit opening, with the Airfix kick-up being a tiny bit further aft. Just for fun I installed the Eduard canopy sections onto the two other makes. The Tamiya did not accept the foreign parts, but the Airfix fuselage and Eduard glass worked pretty nicely:
Eduard Bf-109E 1/48
The last comparison was to just tape each half together, first Eduard and Tamiya, the second photo Eduard and Airfix. Note that I didn't spend any extra time lining up the parts except to show the differences in overall length:
Eduard Bf-109E 1/48
Eduard Bf-109E 1/48
Having done all of this comparing and measuring I came to one conclusion: :-thinkI don't know which of these, if any, is a true 1/48 representation of the Bf-109E. I've built a couple of the Airfix kits and enjoyed them. The Tamiya model looks very nice and I look forward to building it as well. The Eduard that I'm building here has some beautiful detail and delicate moldwork and I'm going to enjoy it, too.
Now I will have to find time to get started on the build...........