Just a little pre-history to current state of this project: I've joined wings somewhere in May 2010, and afterwards the box was put aside for the favour of some other projects, everyday work I had to do, lots of fun with kids...

Then, one early morning in September, I've found alive and very flying pigeon in my apartment

!!! I wasn't there for a weekend, and somehow it managed to get in through the balcony door opened ajar, but couldn't find its way out. Managing to get rid of it by opening the big window, I found that, flying around, it knocked a box with two albatroses to the floor. Opening it, I mourned and I cried and I cursed...

Then closed the box and left it aside, to leave time to heal the sorrow I felt...
This morning the box was opened only for the third time since that faithful day. I felt much better,

, checked the state and decided to continue. No big harm done - nothing is broken, everything is only separated and requires just another round of careful alignment and gluing:

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition
So, this would be next to finish after Spads...