You have already seen my inbox preview of this kit (
Have planned to start this kit later in January, but since I'm already building something with a similar cammo scheme, I decided to start this one as well...
Unusually, I've started from the wings, since I was already using dark green. The sad story about wings painting continues in next post...
I sprayed the interior with primer - Gunze Sangyo Mr. Base White 1000 spray. The same evening I've put first layer of CDL (Humbrol 148), as the base for simulation of wood grain on the cockpit walls, seat etc:

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition
On with CDL, next evening... Now the cockpit interior was ready for oil paint I was to use to simulate wood texture. Was impatient to wait until it's completely dry, so one hour later I did the wooden texture, and the day after I painted details:

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition
It took me 30 minutes to complete the engine and its podest. First I cleaned flash, then went on with Model Master Stainless Steel metalizer and waited some 10 minutes for it to cure. After that I used pigments (soot) to stain cylinders and Vallejo copper color to do lines. 5 minutes later everything was assemblied and some black oil wash was used to accent details.

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition
Off to the seat – although I thought to build everything straight from the box, couldn't stop myself from adding some missing details – seat cushion is made of BlueTac and seat belts from Tamiya tape, painted with mix of Vallejo off-white and flesh colour. Now the interior is complete and glued to the right fuselage half:

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition
The fuselage halves are glued together using Tamiya extra thin cement, fixed with pieces of Tamiya tape and put aside to dry. After I took the tape off, it seemed this is going to be no-putty-needed assembly:

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition
Really, after the joints were wet sanded (with 1500 grit), no putty was neded:

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition
While waiting for the fuselage to dry, I painted empennage Vallejo intermediate green, which seemed to me nearest to Jasta 5 colour of what I have in stash:

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition
I knew from experience that I might meet problems joining wings to fuselage, and I was right. This is how it looks like originally:

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition
During the filing and sanding of the fuselage to correct this problem, cockpit assembly went free and started playing inside the fuselage:

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition
OK, I have fixed everything and covered fuselage, struts and undercarriage with white primer, and some time later on went the first layer of light grey (Humbrol 28):

Eduard 1/72 Albatros D.V Weekend Edition