Since last time, I received lot of interresting informations and new pictures (I cannot publish those ones due to copyrights); that were a little bit disturbing for some ones...
Belgian pilots seats are not totally correct in the kit: backseats are not so high and there is no metal plate behind. The seatbelts are fixed on a kind of reinforcement in metal above the seats...
The banks are both the same with no full backseats as indicated by Special Hobby for the Belgian version; instead it's better to use the part of the German aircraft - but two are needed. More than that: Belgians reinforced the backseat with a grey tissue in the lower part...
The cockpit interior is capitoned...
There is a kind of wood wheel between the pilots seats
Belgian Do27 present some variations in the paint. This is due to the use of paint can to correct the overall paint before total re-painting of the aircraft
Exhausts: the short exhausts provided for Belgian version by SH are correct. But there were progressively replaced by longer ones; that are not of the same type of the German aircrafts! So, if you whish to represent Belgian longer exhausts, you have to scratchbuild them... I will keep the shorter ones.
Decals provided in the kit are a little bit too big. Not really dramatically too big I must say.
My friends of the Brussels Air Museum sent me informations about the lenght of the antennas: 50 cm and 225cm. At 1/72 scale, that makes respectively 0,7cm & 3,13cm.
OK. Knowing all that I was disturbed by the fact that my cockpit interior is not absolutely correct... I envisaged to stop the build of the actual kit, to begin my second one more correctly this time. Discussing with Didier Waelkens, editor of KIT (IPMS-Belgium magazine) he convinced me to continue my actual build; simply giving all the infos received after the closing of the cockpit in the article I will write.
So, the adventure continues

Not a big step forward this time: photoetch! That asked me loooong time to perfectly realise the parts...