LetLetLet ~ Warplanes
Let Let Let - Warplanes => Aircraft Modeling => Topic started by: draken35 on February 07, 2023, 07:04:17 PM
Just before the German invasion, Belgium ordered for 30 Breguet 694 to France. Unfortunately the aircrafts were not delivered before the surrendering of Belgium ; but som pilots contrinued the war with their French mates. Before the French armistice, one Breguet 694 was delivered to the Belgians but was destroyed the next day...
The kit is the Special Hobby Breguet 693 (similar to Azur kit). On an exterior point of view, Breguet 693 and 694 were similar ; so I will use that kit with decals from KORA Models to build the only one Belgian airplane...
For what I know, there is few informations about that aircraft. Impossible to be certain that the aircraft beared Belgian cockades or stil the French ones ; impossible to know how the aircraft was camouflaged (French style ? "Belgian Hurricane" style ? Khaki/alu ?). So, I've decided to use the French camo with Belgian cockades...
The work begins with some cockpit amelioration (pilot stick, rudders...) and the rectification of ammo for the machinegun (difficult to remove them from the sprue without any damage)
Funny to note that there is 12 ammos in the kit but that 13 are needed : 12 on the interior of the fuselage AND one on the machinegun !
I've created the missing one using original ones, placed on a sheet of Evergreen and covered with liquid mask to create a mould ; then I've filled the mould with miliput. Result is perfect.
Engines (resin) must be reduced to fit in the nacelles...
The photoetched elements are added to the bombs and the seat...
The interior of the gunner post asked also for some work ; the floor was too long of 2mm.
Nice intro and so much new info's, never know about Belgian use. Type is rare among manufacturers so this will be pleasure to watch... and you are back to real subjects :))
Well, the period just before may 1940 was a "panic" period for Belgian politicians that asked to the army elements to reinforce what they had diminued in value...
De facto, Belgian ordered lot of aircraft types that unfortunately didn't have seen entry in service : Brewster Buffalo, SABCA S.47, Renard 38, Spitfire MK I, Grumman Wildcat...
Still working on the engine nacelles : Evergreen is used to help good placement of the engines
Thanks mate :)
The tails asked also for some work : the fixation plots (positionned on the horizontal part) are too little and the same size than the present flash... So I removed them and created new plots, inverting the male/female positions.
Some extra work also on the top of the parts, with the use of PVC glue to give some volume...
Surgery :))
Yes, surgery ; but not finished yet...
First, I've added some instruments in the cockpit. I've also ameliorated the gunner'seat.
Then I've watched how the engine nacelles would fit... Not simple of course ; the parts where the wheel legs will be fixed was too large and I've to sand them. In addition, the leg have to be fixed to just a little relief (see photo 4) : I'm not confident for the strongness of the trains with that system ! So I've reinforced it with Evergreen on top of that location (Evergreen will be hidden in the nacelles...)
:-ok :-clap :-clap
Excellent mate !
Thank you!
I will resume the work in the next few days
Clear parts masked and primer airbrushed in the half fuselage parts
What will be interior color?
What will be interior color?
It will be Grayish Blue (Gunze H337)
After having airbrushed gloss varnish, I used Tamiya Black Panel Liner, then matt varnish and pastels (gry for instrument panels and white for the rest).
Then this morning I've glued all the parts of the interior (rear machinegun excepted ; that one will be placed at the end of the build)
Very detailed- nice :-razz
Thank you - But hard work is coming now.
Half fuselages are assembled ; the the wings. As you can see, fitting is not as good as expected. For the canopies, it will be impossible to correct the lack of matter. Putty will be used of course and we will have to live with some defaults...
Good progress, you'll have to be creative about those fit issues!!
Thank you my friend
:-clap :-clap :-clap
Special Hobby models are not easy to assembly, great work mate !
Well, after lot of private problems (theatre, IPMS Belgium) that were heavily time consuming, I begin to come back to the hobby and, at last, putty was applied this morning on my Breguet...
IPMS Belgium does not look like problem... some contest there?
With my friend Dominique, we have resigned from the redaction of KIT, the IPMS Belgium magazine, and we left the IPMS...
Does not sound fine and maybe better not to ask anything else...
Does not sound fine and maybe better not to ask anything else...
Not fine at all, my friend. I will send you an email in the next few days...
Huh sad news mate, sorry to hear this.... But my good friend once sad : every end is a beginning of something new, so keep your head up !
Finally, I've taken the time needed to sand the parts.
A second application of putty (grey this time) was necessary for the back of the engine nacelles...
Smooth finish :))
Very little progress on the Breguet for the time being...
Lot of work to do ; I prefer to progress slowly so I will have more time to spend on the Mossie...
I know it will be cute look once when finished
Hope so...
lot of work, looks great mate, keep it up !