I tend to agree with Nico on adding transverse bulkheads in the fuselage. On this model I won't be able to add any full bulkheads as I want the entire aft fuselage to be open for viewing. Instead I'll build up several frames with longerons and stringers to help beef up the fuselage much like Boeing did it. Fortunately the Koster kit is molded of sturdy plastic and can be built without much additional strength.
Here's another little update. One of the modelers on WIX, Steve Nelson, posted a suggestion to use a marker pen to outline where cutouts are to be made and around the perimeter of parts when cutting from the sheets. I added that process into the update.
I followed the tip that Steve posted about outlining cutouts with a Sharpie and it is a nice guide for trimming, indeed. On a Koster kit there is a light outline molded into the parts such as where the horizontal goes through the aft fuselage. I simply ran the marker around the perimeter of the molded-in guide marks in this instance.
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale
I should mention for those who haven't done much vacuform modeling that you have to be careful when cutting holes into the fuselage halves for wings and stabilizers. Study the particular kit you're building to make sure that the left and right halves agree with one another. I once built a Wyvern that was molded with the left wing opening 1/4" further aft than the right. If I hadn't done some measuring first I would have made a mess of it. Today's kits, and especially the products I've gotten from Koster, are very accurately molded but some of the old vacuforms weren't quite so precise. It makes building vacuform all the more satisfying when you are able to build a poorer quality kit into a presentable model, but it can also be exasperating to make cuts that don't line up. Measure twice, cut once!
Here's the stab cutout during trimming. Lots of filing and test fitting, but the process isn't anything difficult.
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale
After making both cutouts I slid the horizontal into the fuselage. Notice that it isn't 100% perpendicular to the vertical in this photo. A tiny bit of tweaking will make this come into line. I'll probably build a little fixture so that I get it just right.
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale
Just because I could, I assembled the sections together for the first time to get a feel for how the airplane will look someday. I haven't built a 1/48th B-17 for twenty years---darn it's big!!!!
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale