I decided to jump around a little to show some of the other parts I've been collecting for this project.
The YB was equipped with R-1820-33s, somewhat different appearing than the -97. After looking through some boxes I remembered that the SBD used much the same engine. In fact, the SBD-1 and 2 used a -32. I just happened to have one from an Accurate Miniatures SBD-1 that I was able to mold and cast in resin.
B-17 kit engine on the left, new -33 on the right:
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale
The propellers on the early Forts were the narrow-chord version, and the old AMT A-20 kit has the exact propeller needed. I also cast these in resin and put the resin props in the A-20 kits for later. Koster also makes a really nice narrow-chord Hamilton Standard that I have reserved for a PB4Y-2 planned for the future.
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale
And here is the engine cowled up with the new propeller on it next to the Monogram parts:
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale