This evening I glued the practice blister onto the extra rear fuselage that I removed at the beginning of this project. I also cut out the moving portion of the blister (I cut it too large by accident,
but that is one of the reasons I built a practice part). All I was doing at this point was to study how to use filler to properly fair the new blisters into the surrounding skin. With just a bit more work the blister mold will be ready to make clear parts. You can see a little bit of BareMetal foil on the lower part of the fairing and fuselage where I practiced applying it to the compound curves of the fairing, and the hand-drawn forward windows that I drew for reference:
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale
The nose fairing also moved forward tonight. I poured resin into the clear piece I constructed the other day, then chucked it into the lathe for shaping:
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale
After the first shaping session I vacuformed the first attempt. It fits the airplane pretty well but the contour is still not right. Next will be more lathe work and another practice part.
Boeing Y1B-17 Project--1/48th Scale
More later,