The last step...
Some details added to the u/c legs such as ducts :

The propeller has been more improved :

Drawing of the camo sheme from several photographs but without absolute proof because of very weary paints on the real "things" :

Masking for RLM 71 color :

At the last minute before painting, I corrected or added (after a photo...) some détails :

The first color is applied :

Then, RLM 70 in the way the two colors are juxtaposed :

The result for today, because I'm short of RLM 65 color... :

I'm always searching for the definite markings. One or two Bv 141 B-0 have sported a yellow band around the aft fuselage. I suspect that BV 141 B-01, NC+QZ was one and the other might have been NC+RE, which photo but still without the band at BV factory :

The two pictures which I know of BV 141 with yellow band. It's impossible to read the Skz...

The first (of very bad quality) which I suppose is deliberately a very contrasted photocopy :

The second photo where the plane is hidden... This is the second...

After entire painting is finished I'll add last details such as step :

and aileron balance :

Now, for those interested in the BV 141 production, here is the list of complete A and B series :
Prototypes :
BV 141 V-1 ; WNr 141-00-0171 ; D-OTTO
BV 141 V-2 ; WNr 141-00-0172 ; D-ORJE then PC+BA
BV 141 V-3 ; WNr 141-00-0359 ; D-OLGA then BL+AA
Preseries BV 141 A-0 :
BV 141 A-01 (V4) ; WNr 01010360 ; D-OLLE
BV 141 A-02 (V5) ; WNr 01010361 ; BL+AB
BV 141 A-03 (V6) ; WNr 01010362 ; BL+AC
BV 141 A-04 (V7) ; WNr 01010363 ; BL+AD
BV 141 A-05 (V8) ; WNr 01010364 ; BL+AE
Preseries BV 141 B-0 :
BV 141 B-01 (V9) ; WNr 0210001 ; NC+QZ
BV 141 B-02 (V10) ; WNr 0210002 ; NC+RA
BV 141 B-03 (V11) ; WNr 0210003 ; NC+RB
BV 141 B-04 (V12) ; WNr 0210004 ; NC+RC
BV 141 B-05 (V13) ; WNr 0210005 ; NC+RD
BV 141 B-06 (V14) ; WNr 0210006 ; NC+RE
BV 141 B-07 (V15) ; WNr 0210007 ; NC+RF
BV 141 B-08 (V16) ; WNr 0210008 ; NC+RG
BV 141 B-09 (V17) ; WNr 0210009 ; NC+RH
BV 141 B-010 (V18); WNr 0210010 ; NC+RI
Series BV 141 B-1
WNr 0210011 ; GK+GA
WNr 0210012 ; GK+GB
WNr 0210013 ; GK+GC
WNr 0210014 ; GK+GD
WNr 0210015 ; GK+GE
WNr 0210016 ; GK+GF
WNr 0210017 ; GK+GG
WNr 0210018 ; GK+GH
WNr 0210019 ; GL+AG
WNr 0210020 ; GL+AH
A last note :
A BV 141 B is announced by Trumpeter/Hobbyboss in 1/48 scale. If they have not corrected the kit, the propeller will have a wrong rotation direction :
The kit :

The real thing :
