RLM 76 (the greener shade, sometimes called 84), 75, 81, 82, and 83.
Hi Second Air Force, and all members of this Forum,

Two questions : can anyone give the proof that RLM 83 :
1) Was officially used on airplanes (Personnally, i'm searching for more than 20 years and found none...)
2) RLM 83 was a "Dark Green" (Same remark as above)

The RLM 83 (and 84, for that matter) query is really one of those questions that will probably go on forever, isn't it? Until I started to build here on LLL I never gave Luftwaffe camouflage a second thought, but now my mind is full of the research that y'all have done through the years.

I've read the various articles and seen the "evidence", both pro and con, but I know I'm unqualified to answer the question.
This K that I'm finishing is a practice kit of sorts and the color choice adds variety to my collection. I have four different profile artworks from four different artists and they all differ from each other! I picked the profile of our Srecko as my primary guide for this. A relaxing project and good exercise in painting procedures, but my example is probably far from accurate.
No.1, your K has turned out great! A fine scheme for the "patchwork" fighter!