Do you have image of this 'Weiss 5' you are plan to build? Interesting info that molds are done in China
Yes, I found one here: think Revell shipped at least some, if not all, of their manufacturing process to China years ago to cut down costs. I believe this happened not too long after Monogram was absorbed completely into the Revell organization. I seem to recall reading that the Monogram molding equipment here in the U.S. had been sold. I was a little surprised that the mold was modified to reflect this. You can see where "Monogram" was removed and "Revell" inserted in its place, then "China" was added below this script.
Good to have you also rejoin this build, No.1!
I must make an editorial comment about the Bf-109. THERE ARE TOO MANY OF THESE TO BUILD!

I scrupulously built only two Messerschmitts and two Spitfires in forty years because I knew it would become addictive to do more. Well, because of you people on LLL, I can now say I have the affliction.

I may have to set up a donation jar in order to fund this addiction.......