Here's the old Hasegawa Bf 109 F-4, finished in Walter Nowotny's JG 54 RLM 70/71/76 splinter scheme. The decals are a combination of Hasegawa kit decals and some Superscale items. Other than that, it's right out of the box except for a couple of small cockpit details:

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants
And the G-6 that I botched the paint job on. This was flown by Major Franz Beyer, Gruppenkommadeur of IV/JG 3. This airplane was based in Italy in August of 1943. The decals are from a Superscale sheet. The kit is primarily from the UM box with extra cockpit enhancement, Otaki main wheels and WGr 21 rocket tubes, and a Monogram tailwheel.

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants