Okay, my desk is back to normal--there is a 109 on it. This one will be a late C variant and the main purpose of this one is to test the new Skz. letters I recently acquired.
First was to whack off the entire firewall forward of a Hobbycraft C/D kit. Then I poured a new resin cowling set and fitted it to the fuselage, all the same as I've shown on earlier Jumo kits:

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants
The particular airplane I'm building had an exhaust system very similar to the Emil. This modification was done later in Jumo airframe production and represents the third style of exhaust on these early birds. First was the flush openings as shown on this cowl, then individual round tubes extending out from the cowl a bit, and lastly the streamlined design. I simply found a suitable exhaust/fairing assembly in my spares and made an RTV mold, then cast it in resin.

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants