Final assembly completed and here is the finished product. The only additions to this were the home-made seatbelt harness, spares box tropical filter, and the Eduard drop tank and pylon. The only modification was to drop the radiator outlet flaps. Decals are mostly from the kit sheet with a couple from the decal spares box.
The model depicted here is a Bf 109F4 Trop of 6./JG27. It was being flown by Lt. Gerhard Mix and he was forced to belly land behind British lines in August of 1942 where he and the airplane were captured in the vicinity of El Alamein. The photos taken by the British shows that the airplane looked nearly new and that the engine had siezed during flight.

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants
My hat is off to Zvezda for this beautiful kit. Along with the new Eduard Emil I can say I've now built two of the best 109 kits available today. Now that this practice kit is under my belt I'll be able to start on the detailed project with confidence. I highly recommend building this to anyone wanting a "modern" Bf-109 kit in 1/48.