Here are photos of my rendition of
Rosemarie, a Bf 109G-10. The airplane was flown into captivity at the end of the war and remained intact for at least a while before being destroyed. An interesting feature of this particular airplane is the ETC 50 bomb rack. A photo of the airplane and smiling pilot shows what definitely seems to be the multiple bomb rack on the belly and so I added an Airfix rack from the spares bin.

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants
The decals are spares bin refugees and a Monogram sheet that came with a G-10. The fuselage insignia have been masked and sprayed with dark green over the black portions. The Monogram/Revell spinner swirl has been soaked in Microsol several times but is still wrinkled up. This may be stripped and redone if further soaking doesn't fix it....