First top color laid on, fresh from the paint "booth" and drying. It's rather humid here today so I doubt this will cure fast enough to spray on the next shade.

Bf-109 Group Build-All Variants
I should mention something about the canopy parts while it is in my mind. Airfix does a great job of including different windscreen and canopy options in this kit. There are four windscreens, two hinged sections, and two aft fixed segments. For my model I'm using the early design with the rounded top corners. The framing is molded a little "soft" in some areas but can still be masked fairly easily, and the transparencies are very clear. You'll have to be quite careful when removing the canopy parts (especially the hinged portion) from the sprue tree, though--the clear plastic is brittle as it is in most model kits. I planned ahead on this part and carefully cut off a bit of sprue with the part, then used my Dremel tool to slowly remove the excess plastic. Then a few passes with a sanding stick and everything turned out just fine. The clear parts fit nicely, and Airfix saw fit to mold on two tabs for the center section that fit into slots on the right fuselage rail. I'll leave it up to the individual modeler to decide if they like this feature or not, but it does make attaching the canopy easier.