This is a quite simple kit with one exception. The transparent part requires some thinking to get a perfect fit with the fuselage. Eduard designed the plexiglass very cleverly and used a fuselage seam to join the parts, but my sample took some extra fitting to get the clear and fuselage to match up correctly. It isn't that the parts don't fit, just that my canopy was a little flatter at the aft end than the actual fuselage. So, to make sure I got a correct profile, I test fitted all the primary parts several times:
Bf 108 Eduard Weekend Edition
Once I was certain of alignment, I glued the transparent part in stages, first the front and left side. I also glued the parts together before installing the interior and wing so I had full access to inside and outside of the fuselage. After the first glued areas were completely dry I was able to coax the right side into place and glued it. Once again I let the glue dry and then finished installation by gluing the rear seam while I used my fingers to correctly align everything. Once I was fully satisfied with this step the interior and wing were fully assembled with the fuselage:
Bf 108 Eduard Weekend Edition