Author Topic: Super Mystère  (Read 3746 times)

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Super Mystère
« on: March 02, 2021, 07:14:34 PM »
By the mid-1950s, Dassault Aviation was already mass-producing jet fighters — the MD-450 Ouragan, the Mystère family. In 1953, work began on the Super Mystère aircraft. To increase the speed, it was planned to use a new engine with an afterburner and a thinner wing.

The Super Mystère was a low-wing aircraft with a 45° wing sweep. The prototype was equipped with a British Rolls-Royce Avon RA.7R engine, and production aircraft — the French SNECMA Atar 101G-2 with a thrust of 43.1 kN in afterburner mode. The maximum speed is 1250 km / h, the flight range is up to 870 km. Weapons — 2 × 30 mm DEFA 552 guns + bombs, guided and unguided missiles on 4 suspension points.

After its adoption in 1958, the Super Mystère became the first production supersonic aircraft of the French Air Force. It was also operated by the Israeli and Honduran Air Forces. A total of 180 Super Mystère samples were produced.