Colage (I hope it is correct spelling, srp. kolaz), a French word. Let's say a mosaic, but it is not realistic one, more artistic. I don't know but it looks really eagle like to me.
(so the 8 photos before last one, make that last one, then I blackened all that is not an airplane. It took me almost all night, I went to sleep at 03.30 local time, now is 11.45 and I woke up before 30 min - "e lud li si Kraljevicu Marko"
- this is hard to translate but inn very free translation it talks that I'm crazy and have an aviation magic spell on me).
Oh, I have now a shot of fuselage from above, and then right wing underside 3 shots, then frontal look of the same wing (sorry for darkness, its contra light) and same wing from above.