Right, these two Spitfires were used in the film Battle of Britain, the first image is if PS853, a PR XIX and the other one is a Mk IX. Both of course not in service during the battle. The sqn codes they carried were not real.
"So as not to apportion any glory or blame to any particular squadron. Codes not used by actual RAF units involved in the real 1940 Battle were chosen. Spitfires wore AI, CD, DO and EI squadron codes (although aircraft wearing EI codes did not feature in the finished film), with the replica Spitfires wearing BO codes. Hurricanes in the French airfield scenes wore just the individual aircraft letter and when based in England they took up MI and KV codes. MI coded aircraft also had the Polish insignia on the cowlings."
Taken from the website :-
http://www.sonsofdamien.co.uk/BoBPG3.htm#Back%20to%20top which lists all the types of aircraft used and the story of making the film.