Henschel Hs 129 colors
Henschel Hs129 during its career have been used two standard camouflage pattern. First one was splinter type and it consisted of the RLM70 Schwarzgrun and RLM71 Dunkelgrun color on topside and RLM65 Hellblau on the underside. In the Africa desert the pattern was more simple with RLM 79 Sand base with spots in RLM80 Dunkelgrun with RLM78 Himmelblau at the bottom. Airplane feature front marking which is band on the rear of the fuselage, wing ends at underside and in many cases nose of airplane painted in high visibility color. In the 1944 this was replaced by new regulation with V markings in yellow at the top of the port wing and in black at the bottom of the starboard wing.
National insignia was carried in six position, with political insignia Hakenkreutz on vertical tail and standard Balkenkreutz on the wings and fuselage sides. In first time Balkenkreutz was with black filed inside and later this insignia was made of the white outer elements only.
Srecko Bradic