A real innovation in the field of model finishing and painting started with the Verlinden team more than two decades ago. They used many new modeling methods in finishing of their kits and the result was stunning. I was fortunate to be subscribed in the early ’90 to their modeling magazine and from their content I have learned several tips. One of them is the how the black base is important as the base for the kit finishing. And from that time I gladly use black as the base for all my model builds.

I guess that we all use some kind of primer or surface cover as a base for or paints. Best product ever is Gunze Sangyo series of surfacers and the one presented here is Mr. Finishing Surfacer Black. It has the best possible work features, very good covering, excellent pliablility to the surface and it is black!
The image shows the spray bottle and this product is also available in a glass jar too. Work with spray can is so easy, shake it well and spray over the surface. Note that this spray is very strong so be sure to have fast movements to avoid thick coat of spray over the surface. The coating dries fast and the kit is ready for painting in some ten minutes. Coat is flat and superbly pliable to the surface.

Test was made on the F-4 kit in 1/48 scale. It was intentionally chosen as it needs to have a white paint coat, the worst scenario. I decided to paint it over in two different ways, outer wing surface to completely coat in white and central wing surface to semi cover. This is made in a reason to see how there could be used pre shading methods of painting. Both surfaces are completed. There was no problem occurring in outer wing sections and they are completely covered in white. The rest was painted to allow some black to trace around panels and make shading effects. Black played the role perfectly and very good results were obtained there.
I am impressed with this product and no doubt it will be one of the ‘must have’ things on my work bench. Easy to use, excellent coverage, great to work with paints over, it is top recommended!!
Srecko Bradic
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