History of mistake

Junkers JU 88T-1 corrected illustration and in background source photo
Without demons, life could be much more easy and pleasant. They are always there, ready to ambush you and ruin down your effort. I guess it is in every work, not only in my. Years ago, I did tremendous work for one customer. As on some projects before, he work on reference book and he need a bunch of my color profiles. Work with him is amazing experience for me, he have high demands but in difference from many other customers, he have reference for all his needs, not just pure demands in many cases based on just personal perception. So even work can be hard sometimes, after compete it I have absolute new experience and information level.

Then we come upon one airplane, Junkers Ju 88. Not so bright photo but it is far enough clear that airplane have uniform top surface camouflage cover with waves over it. I notice that and my finished work included those patches. In general, I spent some time in search of data and find that those German airplanes used in coastal missions do had dark blue top surface and many of them improvise camouflage patches over it. That was case with this specific sample either. But, after some consideration, customer had demand to remove patches and he said that he have some advisory experts who state there is not patches. So patches, clearly visible on photo, are not real for them. That was not first time in my life that “experts”, very possible self proclaimed, ruin my or other work just because they claim they have better eyes, better view, better perception and maybe even two brains. But apart armomancy, they do not provide any clue, just statement which can be understand as “we are best because we say so”. As well customer was also good friend, I warn him on mistake and deliver sample illustration as he demand. And keep on rest of work…
Some years later, I talk with friend from Germany, magazine editor, and somehow we come upon to the Junkers Ju 88 and he said that he have chance to talk and interview some pilots who flew Ju 88 in coastal mission. I ask what they say about camouflage (but did not mention my case with illustration) and answer was- they flew on dark painted top surface with grey wavy patches over!! Absolute match to my work, which was rejected by “experts”. Then I explain to my friend situation with illustration I did and his info is so valuable as final proof, apart from photo, that I match precisely subject. I contacted my friend and customer who ask illustration without patches and provide full details of my conversation and proof that airplane did have grey patches over it. He absolute agree with and say that he will never again take consideration of those experts.
But too late, wrong illustration is published in book and its matter of time is when some new experts will find that my work is wrong, I need to put patches on this work…
Bradić Srećko