Mehrzweckkampfflugzeuge – Weltweit
Well known author Heiko Thiesler has released new title ‘Mehrzweckkampfflugzeuge – Weltweit’. As well previous of his books, this is encyclopedia type book and it is dedicated to the multi role fighters.
Same book is hard bound and have 14 main chapters. At the very beginning is intro, where authors give his impression to the subjects well give proper grants and credit to those who assist to publication. Follow to that is chapter which give brief description of the multi role fighters, his technical aspect and features. Include also tables with very suitable data.

Above mention chapters are dedicated to countries and inside each chapters are one or more type of airplane. Following countries are included: China, Pakistan, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, France, India, Israel, Japan, Sweden, Soviet Union and Russia, South Africa, Taiwan, USA. Author did some interesting range of subjects included, so you can here find latest Russian fighter Su-57 as well Golden jet age F2H Banshee, so the reader could provide there wide range of info as well get more interest in other period of aviation.
Book is full color with so many excellent photos (some are rare), good technical drawings as well rich illustrated with color profiles.
ISBN: 978-3-613-04394-7
Title-Nr.: 04394
Cover: hard bound
Number of pages: 192
Number of photos: 180 photos
Format: 230mm x 265mm
Released: 09/2021
Price: 24.90 €
Heiko has once again did beautiful job and to our fortune, he work on new one. Book is interesting to wide range of aviation of fans as well those with less knowledge to those with good aviation background. I grant thanks to author for sample book and you can get your sample here!!
Srećko Bradić