Eduard Hellcat 8227

Eduard kit of Grumman Hellcat in 1/48 and stock number 8227 is one of many editions of this many years old product. Hellcat kit from Eduard was subjects of many builds reviews here so I will not going to give you some deep descriptions of the kit, you can find em here, take some search if you would like.
Product 8227 is ProfiPACK edition of the F6F-3 Hellcat. This mean that this kit is advanced equiped kit so apart basic plastic parts (provided on six plastoc fret, one is transparent), there is etched set’s here, one with painted elements and mask for the transparent parts. Addition of this kit, not seen before is resin wheels, basic parts provided smooth tyres.

What I specially took attention is the quality of molds, as well after many years, many kits lose quality due to molds detoriation during the time. Here is absolute not the case, I build very first Hellcat released by Eduard and seen absolute no problems, no parts warp, shrink or flush on parts, quality is hold on high level.
Kit provide five options for the finish and I decide to make one operated in VF-8. It is interesting in having national insignia in tick red border and some modified basic camouflage. All options provide three color camouflage pattern. One of interesting detail is decal for propeller, in past it was two parts, one decal with manufaacturer logo and another with text and now it is on one decal so it will be more easy to place it on kit in proper position.

Eduard Hellcat was alawys lovely kit for me, easy to build, nice detailed, good options for finishing. This kit can be find here and my big thanks goes to Eduard for sample products.

Srećko Bradić