Citadel Chaos Black
For better paint adhesion to surface and avoid peel of paint, it is advisable to use some kind of surfacers of fillers as primary coat over plastic before go into paint job. Many products are available on market and they provide various level of quality and last one I try is the Citadel Chaos Black.

This surfacer are from wide range of Warhammer 40000 games products, world far different then our aviation modeler world but with some products definitely worth to consider and use for our hobby. I smile to idea to name product Chaos Black and in general Warhammer 40000 products do have so inspirational names like derived from old tales. Citadel is producer of this surfacer and it come in big can, much bigger than any other I see, volume 400ml and net content 280ml!! So much and price is like for some other proven product with almost double less content. As name suggest, inside is black liquid which is used for basic cover of surface before painting.

So, the rules for painting is that surface must be dry, clean, no moisture, no grease, dust and so on. As well I always test product in far more sinister conditions, surface of kits I want to spray was not cleaned up at all, I touch it with bare fingers (no gloves) so it was pure sample how surface should not be before start any kind of painting. Test material was Antonov An-224 from Revell and Grumman Hellcat from Eduard. Normally, I shake well bottle and then apply coat over plastic. Spray is a bit stronger so I find that good range is some 20 cm for proper coverage. Odor of Chaos Black is so similar to some surfacer from Japan and it dry relatively fast. Test of quality was to try to scratch surface with nail of my finger and I scrub it for half of minute with so strong pressure. Surfacer win, absolute no damage anywhere observed and just little shiny traces were visible where my nail goes. So completely resistant! It have even some resistance to knife scratch. Next to do is painting and I do try hand brush painting as well airbrush painting. In both case paint set perfectly on surface. I try acrylic paints, water based, alcohol based and metal cote ( acetone based) and they all give excellent and smooth coverage over this black surfacer.

I have so high impression of this product and it is selected to be used in all of my future builds. Excellent work properties, bigger quantity and attractive price make it maybe the best surfacer in model world! You will not regret if you get one here and my big thanks goes to Lubos from Hobbyshop for the sample product. And take a look, maybe other Citadel products could be also of big interest for you!
Srećko Bradić