Eduards Bf 109G-14

Messerschmitt Bf 109G-14 is another new and interesting subject from Eduard. Same version G-14 was development based on Mf 109G-6 model and its incorporate several features such as MW50 fuel system, DB605AM engine, FuG 16ZY radio unit with aerial must under the wing, Erla type of cockpit hood, high vertical tail (Erla production)… Fighters of that version become operational in mid of the 1944.
Eduard kit is in 1/48 scale, stock number 82118. This is ProfiPACK kit and it include excellent etched set, mask alongside with plastic parts f the kit. Detail I really appreciate is that they provide small scribing template and it is used to reingrave two panels in front of wind shield. It’s happen that during filling and sanding process this details can gone, even with very small amount of filler, so this small tool is so welcome here.

Work on this kit is more then easy thanks to very good engineering of the plastic parts. Note that kit have few options to be finished, maybe most important is two completely different tail options, one is standard and another is higher. My choice is to build higher vertical tail version and I take care of all specific details of the sample kit. Assembly instructions is very detailed and well explained so there is no problems in build process at all.
There is few options to finish the kit, most are German samples but one Italian is included. It also have difference in paint as well it is the one where top colors are RLM 75 and 82, while German versions is grey camouflaged. For those who like aces, kit include decals for machine flown by Hartmann, October 1944. Sample I choose to build is Bf 109G-14, W. Nr. 464534, EJG 2, Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, May 1945. This machine changed operators during the service and Eduard provide excellent decals to cover this. Only thing I did not use is WNr numbers, on photo of this plane, this numbers was not visible on tail.

One more top quality product from the Eduard range of Bf 109G and very interesting historic cover. Follow to this one, Eduard deliver Bf 109G-10 and this will subject of one of forthcoming article. Big thanks to Eduard for sample product and you can find your sample here.
Srećko Bradić