Fw 190A Royal Class R0016

Another jewel in the range of Royal Class series of product is the Eduard Fw 190A early versions, scale is 1/48. It is based on their brand new tool of Fw 190 and this kit and its advantages is described before. Box include two kits and its content make it rich dual combo offer!
This product comes under stock code R0016 and as say above, it include two kits inside. Versions supported inside are A-2, A-3 and A-4 as well variation A-4/Trop. Instruction manual is excellent arranged and printed but it contain few errors so they provide additional paper with corrections, so take care when build kits.
Total content inside is eleven grey plastic frets with parts, two transparent frets with cockpit canopy elements, eight resin parts, two different photo etched sets (painted and take a attention of versions they cover), masks, big sheet with national insignia decals and two small sheet with small service label decals. But this is not the end, inside is one big poster of the Fw 190 in action as well one nice beer glass with printed German unit motive on it. Beer is not provided…

As explained before, kit is very easy and straightforward to build. There is no specific remark to put here regarding to this release, only you have to build two kits and that decals options is so rich! Apart from different marking provided, there is option to make five completely different camouflage and maybe this will make some problems which one to select.
Excellent product! If you are interesting you can find it here https://www.eduard.com/store/aircraft-and-helicopters/1-48/fw-190a-early-versions-1-48.html Thanks to Eduard for sample product!
Srećko Bradić