
Mersu if Finland’s nickname given to the best fighter they have in service, German Messerschmitt Bf 109G. And this is nice subject of the Eduard Limited Edition kit, Mersu! This is dual combo kit, with two Bf 109G inside and all what need for build of them- etched sets, decals, masks. Total inside is 14 plastic fret, big size decals for national insignia and markings. Assembly booklet is really tick this time and very good to follow. Parts are enough to built one Bf 109G-2 and one Bf 109G-6 kit.
As usual, I unpack parts, organized work bench as well I need space for two kits to built at once, asorted frets and start. Cockpit elements was first to do and after assembly several of elements, I paint em in interior color, RLM 66. Booklet is organized by types, so first part is for build of Bf 109G-2 and second part is for build of Bf 109G-6. This demand jump from page to page when selected parts for specific version. And then I realize problem- Eduard did not provide fuselage parts for G-6 version, just doubled G-2 parts. But rest is fine, like etched set is for G-2 and another for G-6 (different in details). So this remind me on real problems with Bf 109G which Fins had during the war.

Very interesting data coming from technical reports made by Capt. O. Puhakka, who was among the group of pilots to receive Bf 109G in Germany. They receipt airplanes at Luftpark Anklam and in February 1944 they was there to pick up 16 Bf 109G-6. Suprize of the Finish pilots was big when they was informed that airplanes is not ready to be ferry flight and they need even two weeks of work to get em ready for operational service. A batch of Bf 109G-6 was arrived there from Erla factory in Leiptzig.Year before, they accept batch of Bf 109G-2, which was in perfect condition and ready to use at once. Workmanship on G-6 was in general poor and on two G-6 for Finland undercarriarriage was replaced due assymetric operation and leg angles. Delivery of aircrafts was performed by 3rd aircraft ferry group, manned by non combat qualified pilots and loss rate was as high for machines for Finlan, 50% (Pori Luftwaffe depot). Few days later, first five Bf 109G-6 was ferried to Finland, whole month after their arrival to receive Bf 109G-6!
What ever, I continue build of the two G-2 and I selected samples to build. To make em so specific, I decide to built samples with typical camouflage pattern used in Finland. One is MT-225 (register letter MT coming from Messerschmitt) and with camouflage of sole RLM 74 Dunkelgrau at the top and RLM 76 Hellgrau at bottom. This camouflage is not uncomon and several Bf 109G in Finland do have that camouflage. This sample, MT-225, is also specific that on G-2 fuselage, it had G-6 wings. Another sample is with register MT-230 and it is in Finish pattern in Musta (black) and Vihrea Olivin (Olive Green) at the top and the Vaalean Sininen at bottom (Light Blue). What I see is that Eduard maybe did not choose best match of color for this machine so I choose another, based on some paint samples I get many years ago from one researcher from Finland. This camouflage and color remind me much on Soviet camouflage pattern and colors in first period of WW2.

Common for both samples I select to build is that both used anti dust filter. Version G-2 have it in camouflage color and I built it regulary with kit build but on another sample, MT-225, it is in natural metal color so I decide to make it separately and attach at very end. Again suprize for me as well I noted that there was no mesh for G-6 version! Let me explain- on basic plastic part have to be glued two etched parts, one on inner side and another to outer side. There is only two parts of that kind so G-6 does not have it at all, only etched set for G-2. It is problem as well Eduard provide even three Bf 109G-6 with this anti dust filter. Solution is easy, I took Eduard mesh (stock item 00035), cut neccesary piece, roled it and cement in place. So easy. And painted in metal coat and placed later in place, when completed kit is finished.

No matter it is two kits, I build em both within a week, alongside with other things I have to do. As I say before about Eduard Bf 109G kits, it is easy and pleasure to build with many options provided. Do not be bother with problems I have, I was just lazy to ask replacement of parts, I am sure if you seen some problems with parts, Eduard will solve problem.
Lovely project and hope Eduard will bring more in future. This is Limited Edition kit so hurry to get one for you and my big thanks goes to Eduard for provided sample kit.
Srecko Bradic