Kaman Seasprite

The Kaman SH-2 Seasprite is a ship-based helicopter with anti-submarine, anti-surface threat capability, including over-the-horizon targeting. This aircraft extends and increases shipboard sensor and weapon capabilities against several types of enemy threats, including submarines of all types, surface ships, and patrol craft that may be armed with anti-ship missiles. It was developed for the United States Navy beginning in the late 1950s.
01. Light Anti-submarine Helicopter Squadron 31 (HSL-31), North Island Naval Air Station, California
02. Kaman Seasprite, 149026, after an engine failure during Deck Landing Quals on USS Compte de Grasse, ditched into sea then recovered and use as gate guardian as HT-030/HSL-30 NAS Norfolk
03. Kaman SH-2F, 149748, August 1987, Chesapeake Bay, HT-042/HSL-30
04. Kaman SH-2F Seasprite, 149768, HX-231/HSL-34, Jun 1982 on USS Deyo
05. Kaman Seasprite, 149769, September 1982, HX-234/HSL-34, written off after lost power and rolled over on landing at NAS Oceana, VA, 10. August 1984
06. This Seasprite, 150157, start its career as HU2K-1U and in 1962 it was converted into the UH-2B. Retired from HSL-33 at NAS North Island in 1993 and today is preserved at the USS Midway Museum, San Diego.
07. Kaman SH-2F Seasprite, 150185, 1991. Low visibility scheme.
08. Kaman SH-2F Seasprite, 151303, HX-235/HSL-35, during the sea rescue excercise, 19. February 1986.
09. Kaman SH-2F Seasprite from HSL-30, during the airlift operation of the Hungarian freighter who suffer from hart attack, August 1984.
10. Kaman SH-2F Seasprite, 152190, HSL-32, 1975.
11. Kaman Seasprite, 158200, HY-334/HSL-36 Det 4 USS Trippe, Jun 1979.
12. Kaman Seasprite, 161647, July 1986, USS Badger
13. Kaman Seasprite, 161914, 18. April 1988. This machine was later converted and delivered to Royal Australian Navy.
14. Kaman Sesprite 161658
15. Kaman Sesprite 169026
16. Kaman Sesprite NZ3442
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