Focke wulf Fw 190D colors

Fw 190D was development of original Fw 190 with radial engine where it was replaced with Jumo engine and retain similar round shape of nose. This development result in one very effective fighter airplane at the ending months of the WW2. In short period of service, it used several camouflage patterns and colors.

01. Fw190D-9, unknown W.Nr., from Stab IV./JG 3, Prenzlau, Germany, March 1945. This airplane is regularly associated with Oscar Romm. Whole airplane feature simplified late war camouflage with large areas in light blue grey color with RLM 81 82 on topsides. Top fuselage in sole RLM 81 and lower wing area is partially natural metal and partially RLM 75.

02. Fw190D-9, W.Nr.211991, from Stab I./JG 6, Bayreuth-Bindlach, Germany May 1945. This sample feature pattern with dominant RLm76 color. This color is also on the top of the wings with the RLM 83 patches. Fuselage is in the RLM 82 and 83 colors with few mottles in RLM81.

03. Fw190D-13/R11, W.Nr.836017, from Stab /JG 26, Flensburg, Germany May 1945. There is opinion that pilot of this aircraft was Maj. Franz Götz. Lower side is in the RLM 76 while the bottom of the wings are in natural metal with front piece in the RLM 75. In first time RLM 76 was on the top of the wings but later this was overspray in dense mottle. Topside greens are RLM 81 and 82. Black and white band denote unit.

04. Fw190D-9, W.Nr.500570, from 8./JG6, Fürth-Atzenhof, Germany May 1945. Dominant color was blue green protective color widely used at the same and of the war. Topside of the wings are in the RLM 76 and RLM 81 while the topside of the fuselage are in the RLM 81 and 83 color. Bottom wings are in natural metal and RLM75 with main gear door in the same color.

05. Fw190D-D, W.Nr. 210051, presented as the image was taken at Bremen-Neuenlanderfeld. This airplane was deliver to the III./JG54 but further destiny is unknown. The same airplane wear very standard early camouflage where all of the underside and the fuselage sides are finished in the RLM 76 color with the top surface patches in RLM 75 and RLM 83 colors.

06. Fw190D-9, W.Nr. 211123, unknown original German unit. This airplane was captured by Soviet troops at the Marienburg in March 1945. Airplane wear late war simplified camouflage where the underside is combination of the RLM 75, 76 and natural metal areas with the fuselage sides in RLM 76 with possible spot of the late was grey green color in the rear section. Top side is known to have RLM 82 and 83 colors. Interesting to note that canopy framing is in the natural metal.

07. Fw190 V53, W.Nr.170003, DU+JC. This sample is first pre production prototype of the D-9 version. Camouflage is standard for the early type, RLM 75 and 83 on topside with the RLM76 at the bottom. As well this plane was under evaluation test it have few specific features as well additional small air intake on the starboard side of the engine cowling as well pair of cannons in the outer wing position. Of interest is the old style of the national insignia, very rarely used on the D version of the Fw190. Some panels are left in the natural color while also some areas seem to be in grey green color.

08. Fw190D-9, W.Nr.401392, from Stab/JG26, Flensburg, Germany May 1945. This was one of the Dora captured and evaluated by the US officials. Airplane coming with the lower wing front half in the RLM75 color and the rear part in the natural metal. Elevons are in the RLM76 color. Topside of wings are RLM76 and RLM 83 [possible] patches. Fuselage topside are in the RLM81 and 83 colors. Rear fuselage have well know black and white band, indicating of the JG26. Underside wing cross is simple plain black.

09. Fw190D-11, unknown Werk Numer, only first four digits are know 2200 but not the last two. Airplane is from the school unit Verbandsführerschule des G.d.j., at Bad Wörishofen. All know airplane from this unit feature RLM 82 and 83 camouflage color on top side of wings and fuselage and the RLM 76 at the bottom surfaces. Wing underside is partially RLM 75 and natural metal. Extension fuselage plug is also may to be in natural metal. Other feature is the white chevron and white spot on the spinner.

10. Fw190D-9, W.Nr.500636, possibly from I./JG2, Bayreuth-Bindlach, Germany May 1945. This sample feature very simplified camouflage pattern with large of areas cover with grey green color. Undersides of wings are in the RLM 75 and natural metal finish. Top wings and stabilizer are in RLM 76 base color with patches in RLM 81 color. Vertical rudder is in base RLM 76 color with mottle over it. Front fuselage is in the natural metal.

11. Fw190D-9, W.Nr. 600651, possibly from I./JG2, Straubing, Germanby May 1945. One of the sample delivered in the RLM 82 and 83 camouflage pattern. Underside color is the RLM 76 with half of the bottom wing in the natural metal. National markings are of interest. Plane has very dense mottle of the dark green paint over light and they are blend together and this plane almost looks like it has one paint over it.

12. Fw190D-9, unknown number, captured and used by Soviet Union. Basic camouflage might to be RLM 76 light blue with fuselage top side in RLM 81 and 82. Wings look very pale on top side so this suggests that top wings are also in RLM 76 color with possibly RLM 82 patches. Lower wings are in the RLM 75 at the front part while the rear half of wing bottom is in the natural metal. Soviets were overpaint area where was German national insignia with the standard dark blue color used for fighters. Star used on this sample is simple, with white border.

13. Fw190D-9, W.Nr. 600434, from 11./JG.2. This airplane have standard unit three color band, consisted of yellow-white-yellow colors. Camouflage is with the dominant RLM 76 on the underside and sides with the top side in mostly RLM83 color and some smaller areas in the RLM82. Rear part of the wing bottom is in the natural metal.

14. Fw190D-9, W.Nr. 500408, from 5./JG 301, at Bad Langensalza, May 1945 Germany. Airplane present mixture of the camouflage colors as was usual for the late war manufactured airplanes. Rear fuselage was in the grey green color while the front part is in the standard RLM 76 color. Underside of the wing are natural metal rear section and protective RLM 75 front part. Top side of the fuselage and wings are in the RLM 81 and 82 color, where the RLM 81 dominated over the fuselage. Rear yellow and red band denote the JG 301 unit. Vertical rudder is in the RLM 76 color.
Srecko Bradic
All graphic- LetLetLet Warplanes